Thursday, September 27, 2007
"If there is no point in the story as a whole, there is no point in my own action. If the story is meaningless, any action of mine is meaningless…so the answer to the question ‘Who am I?’ can only be given if we ask ‘What is my story?’ and that can only be answered if there is an answer to the further question, ‘What is the whole story of which my story is a part? " -- Leslie Newbigin
"Nothing is more important than immersing yourself in the Story and allowing God to use it to change you so you can change others by helping them see their part in it." --Mark Clark
The series that we will be journeying through at deep.spirited.friends for the next 7 to 10 weeks, starting this Sunday (Sept. 30), is called theStory. We will be exploring the story that we find ourselves living out right now by reflecting on how God's story of his relationship with the world has unfolded in history. Come Join Us! The series will unfold in 5 episodes:
Episode I: Creation
Episode II: Crisis (the Fall)
Episode III: Calling (of Israel)
Episode IV: Christ
Episode V: Church
Episode VI: Consummation